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A Guide to Block Printing
How to Block Print: Tips, Techniques and Supplies
Welcome! This is a collection of my most popular posts and artist resources for block printing techniques, materials and lino carving tools. You'll find almost everything you need to know, hopefully, about linocut printmaking, from beginner tutorials for printing at home to more advanced techniques. I've also included some answers to printmaking FAQ's near the bottom of the page.
Lino Print with Tools and Ink
What is Block Printing?
Block, or relief, printing includes linocuts, lino prints, woodblock prints, rubber stamping - pretty much any method where you carve into a material (a block, plate, etc.) and print an impression of the carved surface with ink. I hope you find these resources below helpful and feel free to contact me anytime.
The Best Lino Cutting Tools for Artists
I use many different types of lino carving tools such as the simple Speedball Lino Cutter and finely crafted Japanese woodblock tools. This is what I like, and don't like, about them.
Choosing Good Papers for Hand Printing Linoleum Blocks
When I help students and readers troubleshoot their printing problems, the choice of paper is sometimes a factor. In this post, I'm going to give suggestions on what to look for in paper when hand printing lino prints. I'll also provide some specific paper recommendations.
Online Block Printing Courses
My online lino printing classes are self-paced so you can start anytime. You can learn the basics and all about reduction printmaking. Let's do it!
The Linocut Process: Multi-Color Prints
Want to know how to make multi-color lino prints? Here I lay out the common methods of printing in multiple colors such as rainbow rolls and the reduction technique.
Printing Presses for Block Printing
I use table top presses to print most of my linocuts and I've written some thoughts on what to look for in a press, as well as some tips on printing linocuts on an etching press.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a linocut print?
A linocut (or lino print, linoleum block print) is a type of relief print where you carve into a block of linoleum and take a print from the inked surface of the block. (the process of making a linocut print)
How do I transfer my drawing or image to the linoleum block?
I usually first trace my image onto tracing paper. Then I flip over the tracing paper to reverse the image. Using graphite paper, I then trace the image to transfer it onto the linoleum block.
What type of linoleum do you use for printmaking and where can I buy it?
I use battleship gray linoleum. (more details about choosing and buying linoleum)
What supplies or materials do I need to make a block print?
The basics include a carving tool, block (linoleum, rubber or wood), block printing ink, a brayer (roller), paper and a big spoon.
What type of ink is used for block printing?
Look for "relief printing" or "block printing" ink, rather than paint. You'll also want to choose between oil-based and water-soluble inks. Here's a review of block printing inks.
Can block printing ink by used on fabric? What's the difference between block printing ink and screen printing ink?
I prefer block printing ink that's designed for use on fabric and am more pleased with the results than when I use screen printing ink. Screen printing ink is usually a little too thin to coat the block nicely. (details on printing on fabric like t-shirts)
Reduction printing is confusing - can you explain the process of making a reduction lino print?
Sure! I've explained the step-by-step process of making a reduction print.
What type of printing presses do you use?
I use a Conrad Monotype Press and have a small Blick Econo Etch Model II Press that I use for public demonstrations. I used a Blick 999 Model II Etching Press for many years but sold it in 2020. (reviews of Blick presses)
What order do the blankets go on an etching press?
The catcher, the thinest blanket, goes closest to the paper, followed by the thickest blanket (the cushion), with the pusher blanket on the top of the stack. I only use the thickest blanket when I print linocuts on the press.
Do I need a press to block print at home?
Nope! You can print by hand using the back of a spoon or baren. This will work fine, particularly for smallish prints.
Quick Reads and Videos
25 Easy Design Ideas for Linoleum Block Printing Patterns
Black and white lino print patterns including grid, circle, line, dot, square and triangle designs.
A Short History of Linocut Printing and its Famous Artists
Printmaking Books
A handful of printmaking books that you might want to check out (at the bottom of that page).
3 Tips for Block Printing Problems
A few tips to help you get that perfect print.
Picasso and the Reduction Linocut
I don't think it's widely known that Picasso produced some amazing linocut prints. He was a fan of the reduction technique and I've written a little about him, including this blog post, which is accompanied by a fascinating video.
Linocut Registration Technique
In this time-lapse video I transfer my image from one linoleum block to another during the process of making a multi-block linocut print.
The Making of a Three-Foot Linoleum Print
A few years ago, I carved a 3-foot square linoleum block for printing by steamroller and I wrote up a little overview of my process.
Rainbow Roll Technique
Here I roll out a rainbow roll on a lino block and show its effect once printed on paper.
Tips on Making a Jigsawing Linocut Print
In this 2020 blog post, I talk about a new jigsaw linocut and highlight some tips on making them.
Using an Etching Press to Print a Linocut
This video shows how I print my linocuts using an etching press.
Last Updated: April 22, 2022